It’s time to
Elevate your business
Your company’s success often rests on the quality of meetings, board reviews, and mediation. Elevate BC specialises in facilitating these critical interactions. We understand that a well-conducted meeting fosters meaningful discussions, effective board reviews drive informed decisions, and skilful mediation resolves conflicts. We’re the architects of productive meetings and catalysts for positive outcomes in board reviews and mediation.
Facilitation of key Meetings & Debates
Quality meetings drive quality decision-making which is at the heart of business performance. Effective facilitation enables effective meetings, ensuring productive debate, collaboration and supportive challenge. Our team of experts are experienced in facilitating all types of key business meetings from brainstorming to negotiation to strategy setting. We know first-hand how important effective meetings are to both people and performance and we will support you to elevate the quality of your meetings.
Whether it’s a facilitated strategy Session or a full Board effectiveness review Effective Board teams are crucial to the success of your business. Our team of experts have experience leading, chairing and facilitating Boards. In attendance or as a facilitator, we would help to ensure the effective running of your Board Meetings encouraging collaborative debate, providing supportive challenges and promoting the best decision-making.
Board Excellence Reviews
Performance depends on maximising potential and recognising interferences. We enable and empower boards to recognise where they are already strong and what aspects to prioritise to elevate their performance.
A Board Effectiveness Review offers an independent analysis of a board’s ability to perform its duties well and in compliance of its obligations.
An evaluation of risks and opportunities are conducted and priority areas for practical action are identified. The performance of the team and individual directions are looked upon and the review can include:
- Desktop analysis which includes an expert review of agendas, minutes, structure, governance, and skills gaps
- One to one interviews with each member of the board and, where appropriate, the Corporate Governance Support Team
- Diagnostics such as 360 feedback and strengths profiling e.g. MBTI/DiSC
- Observation of Board and Committee meetings
Disputes are unfortunately a common occurrence in our business lives but the crucial thing is to make sure that they are dealt with constructively and proactively so that solutions are found without having to resort to expensive court proceedings.
Mediation can often offer the right conditions to be able to resolve a dispute by parties coming up with their own solutions to a problem with the assistance of an independent and experienced mediator who will guide them through that process.
Having that commercial focus and creativity is crucial and these are the attributes of our Mediator, Dr Nerys Llewelyn Jones who is both an ADR Accredited Mediator and CDER Member.
Nerys has acted as Mediator in countless mediations across England and Wales on a variety of commercial, property and business matters. She utilises a pragmatic and common sense approach and encourages parties to do the same.
Marian is a highly impactful facilitator. I found she quickly interpreted our needs and developed solutions that worked very well for us. Her style is caring and supportive with the ability to ask the difficult questions without causing awkwardness. Very impressive!
Steve O’Donoghue FCPFA
Director of Corporate Services and Board member, Trade Remedies Authority