Client feedback
What our clients say

We love making a difference
At Elevate BC we develop and embed transformation change in visionary organisations and leaders.
We deliver change delivers real business benefits the organisations across the UK and area delighted to present just some of the feedback we have had from a few of our valued clients.
Our client
Women on Boards
Women on boards is a network of 30,000 women, and some men, who are starting and shaping their board careers.
They provide information, encouragement and connections to help target suitable non-executive positions. Also offering leadership skills development and support boards to recruit for diversity.
Marian brings a breadth of experience and business insight to ‘Women on Boards’ with high energy and a passion for creating opportunities for all
Alison Thorne
Trustee of Chware teg and Ambassador for
WoB in Wales
Our client
Capital Law
Capital Law is a commercial law firm, working nationally and internationally from their base in Wales.
Working with businesses of all sizes across the private, public and third sectors.
They also have a consultancy business, Capital People, that specialises in HR and occupational health and safety.
I worked with Marian over a 6 month period as I contemplated a significant change in the direction of my career.
Her emotional intelligence is superb, she flexed her style and approach artfully depending on how confident I happened to be feeling at the time of the session.
I gained much in terms of insight from working with Marian, but the real transformation came from her, and therefore my focus on action – what did I need to do, and how and when was I going to do it.
These are skills which will serve me well in my next chapter!
Alys Carlton
Former Partner – Capital Law
Our client
North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent
North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent (NWMTRA) is responsible for managing, maintaining and improving the strategic road network in North and Mid wales on behalf of the Welsh Government.
Sesiwn arbennig o dda a mi oedd yn bleser cael y fraint o gyfarfod a sgwrio efo Marian Evans yn clywed sut y cyrhaeddoedd hi at ei gyrfa uchelgeisiol.
Braf oedd cael gwybod hefyd ei bod wedi ennill sawl gwbodr yn ystod ei gyrfa.
Roedd Marian yn dod a’r egni, sgiliau proffesiynol gwych a dynamic ini allu ffocws yn y sesiwn ‘Sigmoid Curve
North and Mid Wales Trunk Road Agent (NWMTRA)
Our client
OB3 Research
OB3 Research is a leading research and evaluation consultancy in Wales dedicated to quality and impact. Established in 2000, OB3 are a fully bilingual business and provide clients in the public, private and third sector with robust, tailor-made research and analysis.
Nes i wir fwynhau’r profiad o ymgymryd a’r MBTI a dwi wedi dysgu tipyn amdanaf fy hun. Ar ol mynd trwy’r adroddiad yn fanwl, dwi’n credu ei fod mwy neu lai yn yn ‘spot on’. Mae nifer o’r materion yn bethau sy’n briodol i waith a bywyd yn gyffredinol
I really enjoyed the MBTI experience and I’ve learned a lot about myself. Having gone through the report in detail, I think it is more or less spot on. Many of the issues highlighted are appropriate to work and life in general
Nia Bryer
Our client
Gwenllian Lansdown Davies
Gwenllian is a former Welsh Plaid Cymru politician, County Councillor for Riverside in Cardiff, and Chief Executive of Plaid Cymru between 2007–2011.
She is currently the Chief Executive of Mudiad Meithrin.
Mae Mudiad Meithrin wedi cael budd mawr o gefnogaeth a chyngor arbenigol cwmni ‘Elevate BC’ gyda datblygu gweithlu a Datblygiad Proffesiynol Parhaus. Bu ymarferion yn seiliedig ar system MBTI yn gymorth mawr i aelodau staff adnabod cryfderau a gwendidau tîm. Roedd cymorth hwylusydd profiadol i brocio dealltwriaeth ddyfnach yn cyfoethogi’r broses. Buaswn yn argymell gwasanaeth cwmni ‘Elevate BC’ i unrhyw un sydd am fuddsoddi yn sgiliau rheoli ac arwain staff
Gwenllian Lansdown Davies
Our client
North Wales Contact Tracing Service
North Wales Contact Tracing service is implemented by all North Wales Councils and are working with Public Health Wales and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.
Implemented by Public Health Wales in Partnership with Health Boards and local Councils across Wales, its aim is to limit the spread of infection trace the virus and protect our communities.
So many of the skills you shared with me I’ve been able to pass on to other colleagues. It’s been lovely to see them flourish.
You have really made me feel it’s ok to believe in myself.
I see those who I haven’t had great experiences with, in a different light with their own challenges.
I’ve learned not to carry the baggage about past issues and to not worry too much about the current ones I can’t have an impact on.
Service Manager
North Wales Contact Tracing Service
Our client
S4C – Channel Four Wales
S4C is a Welsh language television channel transmitting live between 6 in the morning and late at night as well as broadcasting on other digital platforms.
It is run by a board which includes some members of the channels management team and non-executive members who assess S4C’s performance monthly.
Really enjoyed the session – Marian was fantastic and absolutely inspirational.
Manon Wyn James. S4C
Our client
The Wales Audit office provides staff and other resources for the Auditor General’s work, and monitors and advices the Auditor General.
The aim across Audit Wales is to assure the people of wales that public money is being managed well.
Marian is a joy to work with – she has infectious energy, dynamism and passion.
Couple with exceptional professional skills in group and leadership development; and a focus on delivering a bespoke, tailored service that is second to none.
Adrian Crompton
Auditor General Wales. Wales Audit Office.
Our client
Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
The Commissioner’s role is to be the guardian of future generations.
This means helping public bodies and those who make policy in Wales to think about the long-term impact their decisions have.
They say that the population of Wales all has a part to play in constructing the Wales they want to see in the future.
In just a few sessions Marion helped me find clarity in dealing with some complex issues and challenges and then helped me to identify tactics to solve them. I am still using the solutions I identified in our sessions at least on a weekly basis.
Sophie Howe
Future Generations Commissioner for Wales
Our client
Trivallis Housing Association
Trivallis provides homes for thousands of people in our communities.
They believe they are uniquely placed to not only deliver good quality housing, but to help regenerate the communities we serve and improve the lives of those living there as well.
Not only is Marian professional and highly skilled, she is also warm and relaxed; a true joy to work with.
Our client
Wales Millennium Centre
One of the UK’s top attractions, Wales Millennium Centre is Wales’ home for the Performing Arts in Cardiff Bay.
This landmark building stages musicals, opera, ballet, circus and contemporary dance alongside a programme of free performances.
Every year it attracts 1.6m+ visitors and generates £70m for local businesses.
Marian’s passion, drive and focus is infectious – unlocking a sense of invincible possibility and momentum in the coachee’s personal development journey.
Her ability to coach bilingually in Welsh and English is a powerful attribute for individuals looking for a personalised approach and businesses seeking to develop their bilingual skillset.
Wales Millennium Centre
Our client
Gwynedd Council
Gwynedd Council is the governing body for the principal area of Gwynedd, one of the subdivisions of Wales within the United Kingdom.
The Council administrates internally using the Welsh language.
Working with Marian has been fantastic in order to support the development of leaders within our organisation.
From the beginning of our experience of working with Marian – from negotiating terms and conditions, the extensive possibilities our work and how we can extend our development – has been an extremely positive process.
We have received a high quality service, expertise, collaboration, flexibility and a very valuable professional relationship.
We continue to work with Marian and look forward to the next phase of our relationship with her. Her expert service was tailored to what was important to our organisation – which was valued beyond measure.
(Change Management & Development Officer) Cyngor Gwynedd.
Our client
Menter a Busnes
Menter a Busnes is an independent, not for profit company that supports individuals, businesses and organisations in Wales to start and develop their business.
The workforce has 130 members of staff who are located in 5 offices across Wales as well as some working from home.
We work hard at Menter a Busnes to facilitate a work environment where all our staff feel able to participate, contribute, enjoy and influence their experience.
Where inclusive practices underpin everything we do.
Marian and Carys at Elevate BC enthusiastically supported our brief to design and deliver bespoke remote unconscious bias training sessions for our whole workforce in both Welsh and English.
Their professionalism and knowledge added true value to the sessions, which was reflected in the extremely positive feedback from our staff. We look forward to working with them again in the future.
Menter a Busnes
Our client
Mark Sedgley, Chief Executive
Working with Marian is a real pleasure. She adds value by offering clear ideas based on thoughtful assessment of the issue at hand.
She ensures there is a clear focus on what is right for the business, it’s customers and members of staff.
Wales Millennium Centre
Our client
Dyfed Powys Police
I sought out Carys to undertake my coaching supervision. Carys has been invaluable in providing a sounding board and constructive challenge on the issues I brought to supervision. I was able to draw on Carys experience both as a practical coach and as a supervisor.
I was also able to use this session to “boardblast” some coaching ideas and to look at ways I could improve on my coaching delivery.
Tracy Hawthorne
Assistant Director, People Services
Dyfed Powys Police
Our client
Dr Joanne Hudson
Working with Marian is transformational, inspirational and an absolute joy.
It’s not easy to identify exactly how she does what she does (because of course then everyone would do it!) but she distils all her experience, wisdom, insight, compassion and expertise to know exactly what support and guidance you as an individual need.
I learnt so much about myself from working with Marian, and developed personal and practical skills that have already helped me to progress and move towards my potential.
I really can’t recommend her highly enough and promise that anyone who works with Marian certainly won’t regret it – enjoyable, enlightening and empowering.
Dr. Joanne Hudson
(CPsychol., AFBPS, FBASES, PGCE, SFHEA) Associate Professor.
Our client
Aneurin Bevan Health Board
I had my coaching with Carys via phone contact which worked brilliantly.
It meant it could fit around my work, reduced time away from the office but still achieve so much. Carys is a superb coach. I achieved a lot while working with her.
She adapts her approach brilliantly to your needs and always backs up sessions with materials and resources.
If you are challenged with getting to sessions this is ideal. I have no hesitation in recommending Carys and this approach.
Aneurin Bevan Health Board
Our client
Wales Audit Office
Brilliant! If you need a facilitator or Coach, I know first hand how helpful, inspiring and impressive Marian Evans can be.
Rachel Moss
Former Head of Communications, WAO
Our client
Worth Learning
I’ve had the privilege of working with Marian over a number of years.
She’s an outstanding coach whose naturally friendly and empathetic approach is equally balanced with a formidable business brain and proven business acumen.
I’d recommend Marian to anyone who wants to push themselves and their business to the next level and I’m proud to have Marian as one of our coaching associates.
Karen Whittleworth
Author and Founder
You Deserve to Reach Your Goals
The exclusive corporate membership network that provides you with everything you need to maximise your potential for business growth and success.
We can’t wait to connect with you and support you on your journey.